Fairtrade Fortnight

Leckhampton Parish Church

Fairtrade Fortnight

Mon 9 September – Sunday 22 September 2024

Fairtrade Fortnight has usually taken place in February/March. This year, it is moving to September, to help the Fairtrade Foundation to celebrate its 30th anniversary. You can find details of what’s happening and why it has moved here.

For two weeks each year thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid.

This year, join us in urging everyone to Be the Change, by picking up Fairtrade products and speaking up for fairer trade.  Join us in spreading a simple message: making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet.

What Fairtrade products can I buy?

10 good value Fairtrade choices 

Support Fairtrade

Supporting Fairtrade is a direct way to help the world’s poorest farmers, many of whom are already experiencing the devastating impacts of climate change. The Fairtrade foundation promotes sustainable farming practices that enable farmers to adapt to a changing climate as well as deliver a lower carbon footprint product.

Lord God,
In the fields of the poor
Even when abundant fruits ripen,
Injustice sweeps them away,
And families hunger.
Help us to share
The fruits of your bounty
So that all your family may benefit
From your gracious gifts.

Based on Proverbs 13:23

Did you know?

Coffee, bananas and chocolate could soon be much more difficult to buy.

Climate change is making crops like these harder and harder to grow. Combined with deeply unfair trade, communities growing these crops are being pushed to the brink.

But here’s the good news

More people choosing Fairtrade means extra income, power and support for those communities.

By making the small switch to Fairtrade, we can all support producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet.

Fairtrade Recipes

Recipes made with Fairtrade ingredients:

Recipes for main meals

Too many bananas?

Sweet treat recipes

Fairtrade films

The Fairtrade organisation has put together some films explaining how farmers and workers use the power of Fairtrade to be the change in their community. Have a look to see the impact of choosing Fairtrade and how Fairtrade helps farmers adapt to climate change.

Ever wondered where your Fairtrade chocolate comes from? This short film is about the cocoa farmers who are working together to protect the Gola Rainforest in Sierra Leone.

Find out how Fairtrade makes a difference to banana farmers in Colombia.

Make Your Mark films

More Fairtrade films

Fairtrade Quiz

Check your answers here (no cheating 😉)