
Leckhampton Parish Church

Notices for Sunday 23 March

3RD SUNDAY OF LENT Readings Isaiah 55.1-9; 1 Corinthians 10.1-13; Luke 13.1-9 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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Notices for Sunday 16 March

2ND SUNDAY OF LENT Readings Genesis 15.1-12, 17-18; Philippians 3.17-4.1; Luke 13.31-end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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Notices for Sunday 9 March

1ST SUNDAY OF LENT Readings Deuteronomy 26.1–11; Romans 10.8b–13; Luke 4.1-13 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily…
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Cleeve Cloud, Cleeve Hill

Notices for Sunday 2 March

TRANSFIGURATION Readings Exodus 34.29-end; 2 Corinthians 3.12-4.2; Luke 9.28–36 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer), which…
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white coated lamb

Notices for Sunday 23 February

2ND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT Readings Genesis 2.4b-9, 15-end; Revelation 4; Luke 8.22–25 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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white and green snowdrop flowers close up photography

Notices for Sunday 16 February

3RD SUNDAY BEFORE LENT Readings Jeremiah 17.5-10; 1 Corinthians 15.12-20; Luke 6.17-26 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: There will be no Morning Prayer next week. Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may…
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Notices for Sunday 9 February

4TH SUNDAY BEFORE LENT Readings Isaiah 6.1-8; 1 Corinthians 15.1–11; Luke 5.1-11 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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Notices for Sunday 2 February

CANDLEMAS Readings Malachi 3.1-5; Hebrews 2.14-end; Luke 2.22-40 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer), which will…
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Cleeve Cloud, Cleeve Hill

Notices for 26 January

3RD SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY Readings Nehemiah 8.1–3, 5–6, 8–10; 1 Corinthians 12.12-31a; Luke 4.14-21 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer…
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Notices for Sunday 19 January

2ND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY Readings Isaiah 62.1–5; 1 Corinthians 12.1–11; John 2.1–11 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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Notices for Sunday 12 January

THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST Readings Isaiah 43.1-7; Acts 8.14-17; Luke 3.15-17, 21-22 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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Notices for Sunday 5 January

EPIPHANY SUNDAY Readings Isaiah 60.1-6; Ephesians 3.1-12; Matthew 2.1-12; MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer will restart on 6-Jan. It is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or can also join in person as follows:Mon – Pip & Jim’s, Tue – St. Christopher’s, Wed – Emmanuel, Thu – St. Peter’s. Daily Prayer App If…
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Notices for 24-29 December

Tuesday 24 December CHRISTMAS EVE Isaiah 52.7–10John 1.1-14 Wednesday 25 December CHRISTMAS DAY Isaiah 9.2-7Luke 2.1-16 Sunday 29 December 1ST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 1 Samuel 2.18–20, 26Luke 2.41–52 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer will be taking a break from 23-Dec and will restart on 6-Jan. Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may…
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Notices for Sunday 22 December

ADVENT 4 Readings Micah 5.2–5a; Hebrews 10.5–10; Luke 1.39–56 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer will be taking a break from 23-Dec and will restart on 6-Jan. Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer), which will have the services and readings for the…
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Notices for Sunday 15 December

GAUDETE SUNDAY Gaudete meaning “rejoice“ Readings Zephaniah 3.14-end; Philippians 4.4-7; Luke 3.7-18 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers…
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Notices for Sunday 8 December

ADVENT 2 Readings Malachi 3.1–4; Philippians 1.3–11; Luke 3.1–6 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered…
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Notices for Sunday 1 December

ST NICHOLAS The 10am service is a gift service in aid of the Salvation Army Christmas Present appeal. Please bring unwrapped brand new gifts for the Salvation Army appeal or donate through their website: Readings Isaiah 64.1–9; 1 Corinthians 1.3–9; Mark 10.13-16 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu)…
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Notices for Sunday 24 November

CHRIST THE KING Readings Daniel 7.9-10, 13-14; Revelation 1.4b-8; John 18.33–37 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can…
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photo of poppy field

Notices for Sunday 10 November

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Readings Jonah 3.1–5, 10; Hebrews 9.24-end; Mark 1.14–20 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be…
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Notices for Sunday 3 November

ALL SAINTS’ Readings Isaiah 25.6–9; Revelation 21.1-6a; John 11.32-44 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered…
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Notices for Sunday 27 October

TRINITY 22 Readings Job 42.1–6, 10–end; Hebrews 7.23-end; Mark 10.46–end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: There is no Morning Prayer next week REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has…
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Notices for Sunday 20 October

ST LUKE Readings Isaiah 35.3-6; 2 Timothy 4.5-17; Luke 10.1-9 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be…
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Notices for Sunday 13 October

TRINITY 20 Readings Job 23.1–9, 16–end; Hebrews 4.12–end; Mark 10.17–31 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be…
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person holding brown and green vegetable

Notices for Sunday 6 October

HARVEST FESTIVAL Readings Joel 2.21–27; Galatians 5.22-26; Matthew 6.25–33 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered…
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Notices for Sunday 29 September

ST MICHAEL Readings Genesis 28.10-17; Revelation12.7-12; John 1.47-end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered for…
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[image: image.png] October-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 22 September

CLIMATE SUNDAY Readings Psalm 65.9-13;2 Corinthians 9.6-15; Luke 12.16-21 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered…
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Notices for Sunday 15 September

Trinity 16 Readings Proverbs 1.20–33; James 3.1–12; Mark 8.27–end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered…
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Notices for Sunday 8 September

Trinity 15 – NEW BEGINNINGS Readings Numbers 13.27-28, 30-32, 14.1-4; Revelation 21.1-7; John 10.11-17 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so…
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[image: Septmagcover.jpg] September-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 25 August

Trinity 13 Readings 1 Kings 8. 22–30, 41–43; Ephesians 6.10–20; John 6.56–69 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Morning Prayer will restart on 2nd Sept. REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone…
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Notices for Sunday 18 August

Trinity 12 Readings 1 Kings 2.10-12; Ephesians 5.15-20; John 6.51-58 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Morning Prayer will be taking a summer break from 29th July and will restart on 2nd Sept. REST IN PEACE Please…
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Notices for Sunday 11 August

Trinity 11 Readings 2 Samuel 18.5-9, 15, 31-33; Ephesians 4.25-5.2; John 6.35, 41-51 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Morning Prayer will be taking a summer break from 29th July and will restart on 2nd Sept. REST…
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Notices for Sunday 4 August

Trinity 10 Readings 2 Samuel 11.26-12.13a; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Morning Prayer will be taking a summer break from 29th July and will restart on 2nd Sept. REST IN PEACE Please…
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[image: image.png] August-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 28 July

Trinity 9 Readings 2 Samuel 11.1-15; Ephesians 3.14-end; John 6.1-21 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Morning Prayer will be taking a summer break from 29th July and will restart on 2nd Sept. REST IN PEACE Please…
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Notices for Sunday 21 July

Trinity 8 Readings 2 Samuel 7.1-14a; Ephesians 2.11-end; Mark 6.30-34, 53-end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: There will be no Morning Prayer between 29th July and 30th August. REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know…
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Notices for Sunday 14 July

Trinity 7 Readings 2 Samuel 6.1–5, 12b–19; Ephesians 1.3–14; Mark 6.14–29 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can…
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Notices for Sunday 7 July

PATRONAL FESTIVAL Readings Acts 12.1-11; 1 Peter 2.19-end; Matthew 16.13-19 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be…
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[image: image.png] July-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 30 June

TRINITY 5 Readings 2 Samuel 1.1,17–27; 2 Corinthians 8.7-end; Mark 5.21-end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can…
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Notices for Sunday 23 June

TRINITY 4 Readings 1 Samuel 17.1a, 4-11, 19-23, 32-49; 2 Corinthians 6.1-13; Mark 4.35-end MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so…
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Notices for Sunday 16 June

TRINITY 3 Readings 1 Samuel 15.34-16.13; 2 Corinthians 5.6-10,14-17; Mark 4.26-34 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can…
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Notices for Sunday 9 June

TRINITY 2 Readings 1 Samuel 8.4–10; 2 Corinthians 4.13 – 5.1; Mark 3.20–35 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that…
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Notices for Sunday 2 June

TRINITY 1 Readings 1 Samuel 3.1–10; Mark 2.23 – 3.6 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: * There is no Morning Prayer this week due to half term, it will return on 3rd June *  REST IN…
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[image: image.png] June-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 26 May

TRINITY SUNDAY Readings Isaiah 6.1–8; Romans 8.12–17; John 3.1–17   MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: * There is no Morning Prayer this week due to half term, it will return on 3rd June *  REST IN PEACE…
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Notices for Sunday 19 May

PENTECOST Readings Ezekiel 37.1–14; Acts 2.1-8, 12–21; John 15.26–27, 16.4b–15 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be…
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Notices for Sunday 12 May

EASTER 7 Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings Ezekiel 36.24–28; Acts 1.15–17, 21–end; Mark 12.28-34 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so…
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Notices for Sunday 5 May

ROGATION SUNDAY Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings Isaiah 55.1–11; Acts 10.44–end; John 15.9–17 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that…
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[image: Reordering ….to this!.jpg] May-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 28 April

5TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings 1 John 4.7-end; Acts 8.26-end; John 15.1-8 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died…
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Notices for Sunday 21 April

4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings 1 John 3.16–end; Acts 4.5–12; John 10.11–18 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died…
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Notices for Sunday 14 April

3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings 1 John 3.1-7; Acts 3.12-19; Luke 24.36b-48 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died…
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Notices for Sunday 7 April

2ND SUNDAY OF EASTER Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings 1 John 1.1-2.2 ; Acts 4.32-35 ; John 20.19-end   MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died…
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Notices for Sunday 31 March

EASTER SUNDAY Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Readings Isaiah 25.6-9; Acts10.34-43; John 20.1-18 MORNING PRAYER Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: REST IN PEACE Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers…
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[image: image.png] April-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 24 March

PALM SUNDAY Readings Isaiah 50.4-9a; Philippians 2.5-11; Mark 11.1-11  EASTER SERVICES Please make a note of the following services at St Peter’s this Easter time. PALM SUNDAY8am – Holy Communion10am – Family Communion with Passion Drama MAUNDY THURSDAY8pm – Holy Communion with Foot Washing9pm – 1 hour Vigil GOOD FRIDAY10am – Holy Cross Service with…
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crop person showing signboard on window

Notices for Sunday 17 March

PASSION SUNDAY Welcome back! St Peter’s is open again! Readings Jeremiah 31.31–34; Hebrews 5.5–10; John 12.20–33 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the…
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Notices for Sunday 10 March

MOTHERING SUNDAY 8.00* Holy Communion in the CottagesPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady 10.00 There will be a Holy Communion service at Pip & Jim’s and St Christopher’s with Morning Worship held at Emmanuel. Readings Exodus 2.1–10; Colossians 3.12–17; John 19.25b–27 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from…
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Notices for Sunday 3 March

LENT 3 8.00 There is an 8am Holy Communion service at Pip and Jim’s today. 10.00* Holy Communion at St Stephen’sPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady Readings Exodus 20.1–17; 1 Corinthians 1.18–25; John 2.13–22 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in…
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[image: image.png] March-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Wild daffodil above Buckland Mill

Notices for Sunday 25 February

LENT 2 8.00 Holy Communion in the CottagesPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady 10.00* There will be a Holy Communion service at Pip & Jim’s and St Christopher’s; Revd Gary will be at Emmanuel preaching at their Morning Worship. Readings Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16; Romans 4.13-end; Mark 8.31-end  Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at…
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Notices for Sunday 18 February

LENT 1 8.00* There is an 8am Holy Communion service at Emmanuel today. 10.00 Holy Communion at St Stephen’s, TivoliPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady Readings Genesis 9.8-17; 1 Peter 3.18-end; Mark 1.9-15 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person…
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Notices for Sunday 11 February

SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 8.00* Holy Communion in the CottagesPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady 10.00 There will be a Holy Communion service at Pip & Jim’s, Emmanuel and St. Christopher’s. Readings 2 Kings 2.1-12; 2 Corinthians 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9 Wednesday 14th February 2024 ASH WEDNESDAY 10.30       Holy Communion with Ashing at St…
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Notices for Sunday 4 February

CANDLEMAS (Presentation of Christ in the Temple) 8.00 There is an 8am Holy Communion service at Pip & Jim’s. 10.00* Holy Communion at St Stephen’sPresident & Preacher: Bishop RobertDeacon: Revd Gary Grady Readings Malachi 3.1–5; Hebrews 2.14–end; Luke 2.22-40 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or…
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[image: image.png] February-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sunday 28 January

EPIPHANY 4 8.00* Holy Communion in the CottagesPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady 10.00 There will be a Holy Communion service at Pip & Jim’s (led by Rev Gary), Emmanuel andSt. Christopher’s. Readings Deuteronomy 18.15-20; Revelation 12.1-5a; Luke 2.22-40 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or…
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Re-ordering Update – January

At long last the final stage of reordering has begun! The keys were handed over to the contractor on Monday 8th January and by the end of Day 1 many of the floorboards had been lifted revealing the void and rubble beneath. The timber flooring had been installed in the 1960s and was of very…
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Notices for Sunday 21 January

EPIPHANY 3 8.00 There is an 8am Holy Communion service at Emmanuel. 10.00* Holy Communion at St Stephen’sPresident & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady Readings Genesis 14.17–20; Revelation 19.6–10; John 2.1–11 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily…
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Notices for Sunday 14 January

EPIPHANY 2 8.00* Holy Communion in the Cottages President & Preacher: Revd Gary Grady   10.00 There will be a Holy Communion service at Pip & Jim’s, St. Christopher’s and Emmanuel. Readings 1 Samuel 3.1-10; Revelation 5.1-10; John 1.43-end Morning Prayer Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or…
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Notices for Sunday 7 January

EPIPHANY Readings Isaiah 60.1–6; Ephesians 3.1–12; Matthew 2.1–12 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer restarts on Mon 8th Janand is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or You can also join in person as follows: Daily Prayer App If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available…
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[image: image.png] January-2024_magazine-web-copy.pdf

Notices for Sundays 24 and 31 December

CHRISTMAS EVE Readings 24th 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 2 Samuel 7.1–11,16 Romans 16.25–end Luke 1.26–38 MIDNIGHT MASS Isaiah 52.7-10 Hebrews 1.1-4 John 1. 1-14 25th CHRISTMAS DAY Isaiah 9.2-7 Titus 2.11-14 Luke 2.1-16 31st 1ST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS Isaiah 61.10 – 62.3 Galatians 4.4–7 Luke 2.15–21 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer will take a break after…
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Notices for Sunday 17 December

GAUDETE SUNDAY Gaudete meaning ‘rejoice’ Readings Isaiah 61.1–4, 8–end; 1 Thessalonians 5.16–24; John 1.6–8, 19–28 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via…
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Notices for Sunday 10 December

ADVENT 2 Readings Isaiah 40.1–11; 2 Peter 3.8–15a; Mark 1.1–8 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer has…
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Notices for Sunday 3 December

ST NICHOLAS Readings Isaiah 64.1-9; 1 Corinthians 1.3-9; Mark 10.13-16 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer has…
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Notices for Sunday 26 November

CHRIST THE KING Readings Ezekiel 34.11-16, 20-24; Ephesians 1.15-end; Matthew 25.31-end Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer…
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Notices for Sunday 19 November

2ND SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT Readings Zephaniah 1.7, 12-18; 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11; Matthew 25.14-30 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website:…
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Notices for Sunday 12 November

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Readings Amos 5.18-24; 1 Thessalonians 4.13-end; Matthew 25.1-13 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer has…
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Notices for Sunday 5 November

ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS Readings Revelation 7.9-end; 1 John 3.1-3; Matthew 5.1-12 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website:…
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photo of poppy field
bible blur christ christianity

Notices for Sunday 29 October

BIBLE SUNDAY Readings Nehemiah 8.1–4a, 5–6, 8–12; Colossians 3.12–17; Matthew 24.30–35 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer…
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Notices for Sunday 22 October

TRINITY 20 We welcome Revd Dr Cate Williams who is preaching this morning. She is the Environmental Engagement Officer for the Diocese of Gloucester. Readings Exodus 33.12-end; 1 Thessalonians 1.2-10; Matthew 22.15-22 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip &…
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Sunflowers in a floral display in front of a stained glass window

Notices for Sunday 15 October

TRINITY 19 Readings Isaiah 25.1-9; Philippians 4.1–9; Matthew 22.1–14 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer has moved…
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Notices for Sunday 8 October

TRINITY 18 Readings Isaiah 5.1-7; Philippians 3.4b–14; Matthew 21.33–end Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer has moved…
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person holding brown and green vegetable

Notices for Sunday 1 October

HARVEST FESTIVAL Readings Deuteronomy 26.1-4,12; Galatians 5.22-23, 25; Mark 4.30-33 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.Live-stream: or via our website: Morning Prayer will…
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