Notices for Sunday 5 November

Leckhampton Parish Church

Notices for Sunday 5 November



Revelation 7.9-end; 1 John 3.1-3; Matthew 5.1-12

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s.
Live-stream: or via our website:

Morning Prayer has moved to a new South Cheltenham Team homepage, which can be accessed here:

Daily Prayer App

If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer (, which will have the services the readings for the day.

Live Streams

The live-stream for the 10am service this week will be available from: or

CALENDAR of events

Click here to see upcoming events


Please let Revd Gary or Revd Jacqueline know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered for them and their family.

The funeral of Margaret Hayward will take place at St Peter’s on Wed 15th Nov at 1pm.


The parish giving scheme provides St. Peter’s with a regular income and a means with which to plan ahead. You can join by phoning 0333 002 1260. If you would like more information please take a look at or email Peter Marlow You can also support St. Peter’s by making an online donation at:

Prayer Requests

Please email these to the Parish OfficeRevd Gary or to Revd Jacqueline.


O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land. While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Click here to donate to the Christian Aid Middle East Crisis appeal:


Please continue to keep all those affected by the war in Ukraine in your prayers. You can still donate using the DEC link below: See our website Noticeboard if you would like to be involved in the Ukranian Family Support Group.


Please pray for the thousands of people who have lost loved ones, homes, are injured and in need of urgent emergency assistance. We also remember the rescue workers and those who are working to alleviate people’s suffering.

You can also donate to the Red Cross appeals by clicking on the following link:

Prayers for these areas of concern and others can be found on the prayer page on the website.


Children – pre-schoolers and juniors – There are things to do in
the carpeted area and on the activities table each week in church.

Come and decorate bobble hat biscuits, and lolly stick kits on the activity table!

If you have any queries or would like to be on the Junior Church team, please contact Liz Johnson via the Parish Office.


Little Pebbles is taking a break for half term and will restart on Tuesday 7 November. Take a look at the Little Pebbles Facebook page
for a taste of what goes on!


The new rota covering November to January is now on the board in the Cottages. If you can help with refreshments after the 10am service occasionally, please add your name to the list. All newcomers very welcome. Any queries please get in touch with Ro Bailey or Joey Kerr-Wilson via the Parish Office.


Many thanks to the wonderful and generous congregation at St Peters.

The donations for CCP for October amounted to 53.2kgs.

You can also donate directly here. Email if you would like to arrange a home collection.

Lenten Food Drive - Church of St. Ignatius Loyola, NYC

It’s time again for the annual Hamper Scamper appeal. There will be basket on the bench behind the font for special Christmas hamper items. The usual basket for everyday items will remain in the porch. The hampers will be made up at the end of November by CCP but special Christmas
items can still be donated throughout December. I am happy to collect items from anyone who has problems getting to the church.
Please email me at
Many thanks, Gilly


The next midweek Holy Communion will be at 10.30am on Wed 8th Nov at St Stephen’s, Tivoli. Click here for info about Midweek Communions.


Thanks to all who donated a shoebox to this year’s appeal. Your contributions joined another 150 boxes in Gloucester on the first stage of their journey, before being sent on for shipment from Link to Hope HQ in Sussex.


The Craft Group meets on Wednesdays at 10am in the
Cottages. All are welcome to join, even if just for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat.


See the latest green and eco tips on our Eco Church webpage.

Churchyard Maintenance

If you can spare an hour or two every so often, to help with grass cutting and other jobs around the churchyard, then please let Brad know via the Parish Office.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Please take some time to calculate your carbon footprint at

Buy Fairtrade

The power is in your hands! There are over 6,000 Fairtrade products from coffee and tea to flowers and gold. When you shop, look for the FAIRTRADE Mark. Buying Fairtrade – Fairtrade Foundation – Where to
find Fairtrade products

Climate Change and You

Handouts from the talk by Petra Crofton are available on the St Peter’s website at:


South Cheltenham Youth is for 11-19 year olds.

  • 11-16s – meet on Tuesdays during term time at Emmanuel Church, GL53 7NT from 7-8.30pm.
  • 16-19s – meet on Weds during term time at
    St Peter’s Cottages, GL53 0QJ from 7-8.30pm.

Click here for details.

Abbie Marsh, the team Youth Worker, can be contacted at or on 07708 540732. The socials are:


The programme for the autumn can be found here:


Fri 10th Nov, 7-9.30pm at Trinity Church GL52 2NW

An event organised together with churches across Cheltenham.

Free chip bar, games, worship music, short talks, card games, and more. More information can be found here:

or ask Abbie Marsh, the team Youth Worker.

A letter to parents about the event is at the back of church and on the St P’s website:


To find out more about the work of our ‘Pastoral team’, click here. If you, or someone else, is in need of any help or support.  You can also speak to the clergy team or a churchwarden on any Sunday!

Need a lift to Church? Please let one of the Churchwardens or a member of clergy know.


Knitting Project

Calling all knitters! CaBiC are asking for people to knit mini stockings which will be given out to care home residents at Christmas. You can download the pattern here or pick up a copy at the back of church.  We should be grateful for all stockings to be ready for filling by Fri 1st Dec! Contact Gill Ford with any queries and to arrange for drop off or collection. 

The British Legion Poppies and collection box are at the back of church and will be available on Sundays.


I have recently been on a very short visit to our two partner dioceses in India, in Karnataka (Bangalore) and Dornakal. This is the first visit for over 5 years, due to Covid, and the purpose was to re-establish our partnerships and friendship. It is planned that, over the next 2-3 years, there will be an exchange of clergy and a Youth Visit (summer 2025) which will enable us to work together as partners in the gospel (Phil 1.3). With the world becoming increasingly fragmented and divided, and with walls being built between nations (not only physically), it has never been more important that we stand together, often only in prayer, as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Rev Gary.

Please make a note in your diaries of…

Sun 5th November – All Souls Service
3pm – Service of Thanksgiving for the departed
Sat 16th December – Crib Decorating
2pm – Decorating the crib with story and crafts
Sun 17th December – Carol Service
6pm – Christmas Carol Service
Thur 21st December – Carol Singing
7pm – Carol singing around the village
Sun 24th December – CHRISTMAS EVE
3pm – Nativity Service
5.30pm – Crib Service
11pm – Midnight Mass


will appear here