Notices for Sunday 30 April

He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
Acts 2.42-47; 1 Peter 2.19-25; John 10.1-10
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer is livestreamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Fri). You can also attend in person on a Mon at Pip & Jim’s, on Tue at St. Christopher’s, on Weds at Emmanuel and on Thu at St. Peter’s (Fri is online only).
Live-stream: or via our website:
Daily Prayer App
If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer (, which will have the services the readings for the day.
Live Streams
The live-stream for the 10am service this week will be available from: or
COVID Arrangements
Please continue to hand sanitise on entry and respect a social distance; face coverings are now optional.

CALENDAR of events
Click here to see upcoming events
Please let Revd Gary or Revd Jacqueline know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered for them and their family.
The parish giving scheme provides St. Peter’s with a regular income and a means with which to plan ahead. You can join by phoning 0333 002 1260. If you would like more information please take a look at or email Peter Marlow You can also support St. Peter’s by making an online donation at:
Prayer Requests
Please email these to the Parish Office, Revd Gary or to Revd Jacqueline.
In the wake of the deadliest and most powerful recorded earthquake to hit Turkey in decades.
Click to donate to Christian Aid’s appeal:
Please continue to keep all those affected by the war in Ukraine in your prayers. You can still donate using the DEC link below: See our website Noticeboard if you would like to be involved in the Ukranian Family Support Group.
Father God, we lift up Sudan and pray for stability in the region and a path of peace. Bring justice and healing to this divided land, we pray. Amen.
Prayers for these areas of concern and others can be found on the prayer page on the website.
The next midweek communion service will be at Pip & Jim’s on Weds 3 May at 12pm.
Click here to see the monthly pattern of midweek services across the Team.

Sunday 7th May, 10am
There will be a special service on the Sunday following the King’s Coronation, after which we will share a celebratory cake (made by Suzy) and some fizz.
St Peter’s Little Pebbles meets on a Tuesday during term time from
10-11.30am in the Cottages. Take a look at the Little Pebbles
Facebook page for a taste of what goes on!

A big thank you to all of you who have contributed during Lent. The grand total for Lent was 143.00kgs. The total for March was 79.5kgs.
You can also donate online here:
Please contact Gilly via the Parish Office if you would like to arrange a home collection.
The next lunch will be on Fri 26th May. Make a note of the date now!
See the website Noticeboard for more dates.
Sally & Peter

We have been informed that the closure of Church Road (just past St Peter’s, at the Business Units) will continue until Thu 11th May.

The Craft Group meets on Wednesdays at 10am in the
Cottages. All are welcome to join, even if just for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat.
Tuesday 16th May, 7-9pm at St. Peter’s
Come along to the church for some fun in aid of Christian Aid. Teams no bigger than 6. Entry by a personal money donation to Christian Aid. Open to friends and neighbours as part of a social gathering. Rev G. will be asking the questions, and there will be fines for anyone caught googling the answers on their phones

If you can help with refreshments after the 10am service occasionally, please add your name to the list in the Cottages. All newcomers very welcome. Any queries please get in touch:
Ro Baillie or Joey Kerr-Wilson via the Parish Office.

See the latest green and eco tips on our Eco Church webpage.
We’ve got the Silver!

We are thrilled to announce that St. Peter’s has achieved the Eco-Church Silver award. Thank you to all who have worked hard to green our practices and make this possible.
Churchyard Maintenance
If you can spare an hour or two every so often, to help with grass cutting and other jobs around the churchyard, then please let Brad know via the Parish Office.
Recycling in Gloucestershire
The council has a webpage containing a lot of information about recycling locally (including information about repair and charity shops):
‘You Care for the Land‘
Please click on the following link to see the video for a new piece of music which was composed by Rob Grady, in 4 parts with harp, based on Psalm 65.9-13, and recorded at St. Peter’s:
Love your burial ground week – 3-11 June
Love Your Burial Ground Week is a celebratory week which has been running for many years. Caring for God’s Acre has been encouraging all who help to look after churchyards, chapel yards and cemeteries to celebrate these fantastic places in the lovely month of June – in any way you choose. We’ve seen history talks, picnics and even abseiling teddy bears! For more info, go to:
To find out more about the work of our ‘Pastoral team’, click here. If you, or someone else, is in need of any help or support. You can also speak to the clergy team or a churchwarden on any Sunday!
Need a lift to Church? Please let one of the Churchwardens or a member of clergy know.

There will be a team Confirmation service at Pip & Jim’s on Sunday 21st May at 10am with
Bishop Robert. As such there will be no 10am service at any of the team churches that
If you are interested in being confirmed, or would like to refresh some of your understanding of the Christian faith, then please speak to either Revd Gary or Revd Jacqueline about joining the preparation classes, which will be held at St. Peter’s Cottages on a Wednesday evening from 7.30-9pm, beginning on Wed 12th April. If you’re not able to make this, then an alternative time can be arranged.
Preparation for 11-18 year olds will be run as part of the team Youth Group which meets on a Tuesday evening at Emmanuel.

Foundation Governors needed for Leckhampton C of E Primary School
The 3 foundation governors, appointed by The Diocese of Gloucester, work with the vicar of St. Peter’s to promote links between the school and the church as well as serving alongside governors appointed by parents, staff and the local authority.
- 4 year term
- 2 vacancies
- Training provided
- Time commitment variable – about 4-6 hours/month (term time only)
Chat to Jane Allison (01242 239975/07964 326274),
Sue Marlow (01242 581661) or Rev Gary to find out more.
See full advert on: St Peter’s website.
at St. Philip & St. James, Leckhampton
15 hrs/week £12,480/a.
There will be a rolling recruitment process for this post, with shortlisted candidates interviewed as they apply.
More details here:

A gentle mindful stretching practice.
- 9-10 am at the Cottages (Garden)
- 10th June till 15th July inclusive
- £55 for 6 sessions
Contact Jo or call 07577 547755
to reserve a place (see also flyers in church/online).

Last week, the church celebrated George, the patron saint of England… he is also the patron saint of Portugal, Malta, Ethiopia, Georgia, Serbia, Lithuania, Venice and the Palestinian territories.
St. George is for the most pictured inaccurately in medieval splendour on his white charger, defeating a dragon. This romantic portrayal of St. George has inspired many generations and communities as the ‘classic battle’ between good and evil, but it is a completely made-up story!
In recent years, St. George has sadly become associated with a number of far-right groups, who use his name and flag as symbols of the ‘mythical England’ they wish to preserve in the face of the foreign hordes who threaten to destroy us. Yet, this use of the name and the flag could not be further from, or more ignorant of, the truth. That England has never existed and I pray it never does.
The ‘real’ St. George was born in the 3rd century A.D. in Cappadocia (which is in modern day Turkey) to Christian parents. His father was a Roman soldier and his mother was from Lydda – which is now called Lod, and is in Palestine.
After his father’s death the family moved to Lydda where he grew up and became a soldier too. At this time, the Roman Emperor, Diocletian, launched a severe persecution of Christianity and George, refusing to pay tribute to the Roman gods, was tortured and executed for his faith in 303 A.D.
The dragon story takes many forms, but it was the Church who, looking back on the terrible persecution, referred to the Emperor as ‘The Dragon’. So here we have St. George, a man of mixed race, a member of a minority religion, who stands up against the dragon of oppression and violence, to the point of death… I would suggest St. George is therefore a very poor role model for fascists and racists who believe in the purity of the English race… there is of course, no such thing.
The glory of England is in its history of ‘mixed races and cultures’ and its continued commitment to openness and compassion, to welcoming and caring for immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and minorities, just as they have been made welcome in this country for thousands of years. I hope and pray that this will always be the case. Revd Gary.