Notices for Sunday 28 July

Leckhampton Parish Church

Notices for Sunday 28 July


2 Samuel 11.1-15; Ephesians 3.14-end; John 6.1-21


Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or

You can also join in person as follows:

  • Mon – Pip & Jim’s,
  • Tue – St. Christopher’s
  • Wed – Emmanuel
  • Thu – St. Peter’s Cottages


Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered for them and their family.

Daily Prayer App

If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer), which will have the services and readings for the day.

Live Streams

CALENDAR of events

Click here to see upcoming events


We do not take a collection at St. Peter’s during the service, but you can make a donation using the card machine, which is facing you as you come in, or by using the basket if cash.


The parish giving scheme provides St. Peter’s with a regular income and a means with which to plan ahead. You can join by phoning 0333 002 1260. If you would like more information please take a look at or email Peter Marlow You can also support St. Peter’s by making an online donation at:

Prayer Requests

Please email these to the Parish Office or to Revd Gary.

Please continue to pray for peace in Ukraine, and an end to violence in Gaza and the Holy Land. Please also pray for the people of Haiti and Sudan.

Prayers for these areas of concern and others can be found on the prayer page on the website.


Children – pre-schoolers and juniors – There are things to do in the children’s area each week in church.

Please see the Junior Church webpages for information and online activities:


SC Youth will be having a break from their regular youth activities over the summer, but there still plenty to get involved with. See: 

Contact Abbie our Youth Worker at for more details. 


Last weekend I took part in a walk from Tewkesbury Abbey to Gloucester Cathedral in support of Youth for Christ Gloucestershire. As they celebrate their 50th year, they have set up a legacy fund to bring hope, life and fun for young people in the future. As part of their young leaders group and having attended their residentials, I know from personal experience the impact they have on young people. You can donate to this fund using the following link:

Jacob Coates

Many thanks to everyone who continues to donate to CCP.

Totals were 73.3kgs in April and 58.9kgs in May.

Donations can be left in the church porch.  

Please contact Gilly via email: if you would like to arrange a home collection.
If you prefer, you can donate directly here.


Little Pebbles is taking a break for the Summer, but will return in September. Take a look at the Little Pebbles Facebook page for a taste of what goes on!


CaBiC is a Christian charity, which works to provide spiritual care for older people of all faiths and none in Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve as part of the Anna Chaplaincy Network. We are seeking an additional Trustee(s) with expertise in any of the areas of marketing (particularly using social media), fundraising or IT. For full details contact Brian Dunlop at  / 01242 580731 or see St Peter’s website

Please contact the Parish Office if it’s yours! 


Click here for this month’s green/eco tips  

Churchyard Plant Survey

Ben Gilchrist’s latest survey of the flowering plants and trees in the churchyard can be found on the website. In summary it shows greatly improved biodiversity:

  • we have gained around 14 new species of plants
  • more butterfly and moth species
  • thriving bird communities

We are also now the proud custodians of a thriving population of pyramidal orchids, a sign of good grassland management and great soil, both things which presage the arrival of other species. All great news!! Ben Gilchrist.

Churchyard Maintenance

Please contact Brad via the Parish Office if you can spare an hour or two every so often, to help with grass cutting and other jobs.

Plastic-Free July

Refuse single use plastics in July! Even small changes can have a big impact. 

For further tips for reducing your plastic use, go to our Green Tips webpage.

Fairtrade Fortnight – 9-22 September

***Please save the dates****

This year the FAIRTRADE Mark celebrates 30 years of existence in the UK. This means 30 years of farmers using the power of Fairtrade to drive positive change in their communities. Watch this space for further information about upcoming events taking place over these 2 weeks.

Revd Ruth Edmonds will be licensed by Bishop Robert as the new Team Vicar of Pip & Jim’s and St. Stephen’s at 3pm on Sun 8th Sep at Pip & Jim’s. All are welcome!