Notices for Sunday 2 June

Leckhampton Parish Church

Notices for Sunday 2 June


1 Samuel 3.1–10; Mark 2.23 – 3.6


Morning Prayer and is live-streamed at 9am each morning (Mon-Thu) from or

You can also join in person as follows:

  • Mon – Pip & Jim’s,
  • Tue – St. Christopher’s
  • Wed – Emmanuel
  • Thu – St. Peter’s Cottages

* There is no Morning Prayer this week due to half term, it will return on 3rd June * 


Please let Revd Gary know if there is anyone who has died recently so that prayers can be offered for them and their family.

Daily Prayer App

If you have a mobile, then you may wish to download the Daily Prayer app (available from Daily Prayer), which will have the services and readings for the day.

Live Streams

The live-stream for the 8am service this week will be available from: or

CALENDAR of events

Click here to see upcoming events


We do not take a collection at St. Peter’s during the service, but you can make a donation using the card machine, which is facing you as you come in, or by using the basket if cash.


The parish giving scheme provides St. Peter’s with a regular income and a means with which to plan ahead. You can join by phoning 0333 002 1260. If you would like more information please take a look at or email Peter Marlow You can also support St. Peter’s by making an online donation at:

Prayer Requests

Please email these to the Parish Office or to Revd Gary.

Please continue to pray for peace in Ukraine, and an end to violence in Gaza and the Holy Land.

Prayers for these areas of concern and others can be found on the prayer page on the website.


Sunday 7th July at 12 noon

There will be a celebratory picnic in the Cottages garden.
Bring your own picnic – Strawberries and cream will be provided.

Many thanks to everyone who continues to donate to CCP.

Totals were 73.3kgs in April and 58.9kgs in May.

Donations can be left in the church porch.  

Please contact Gilly via email: if you would like to arrange a home collection.
If you prefer, you can donate directly here.


Young people in Year 6 are also invited to come along on Tuesdays during term-time 7-8.30pm at Emmanuel church. Click to see the programme for the summer: 

Weekly Youth Sheets for young people are available at the back of church or can be downloaded here

Please contact our Youth Worker, Abbie via for more details. 


Little Pebbles resumes after half term on Tues 4 June.  Take a look at the Little Pebbles Facebook page for a taste of what goes on!


Children – pre-schoolers and juniors – There are things to do in the children’s area each week in church.

Come along on Sun 2nd June to join in the activities.

Please see the Junior Church webpages for information and online activities:


Every Weds, 10-12 in the Cottages

All are welcome to join, even if just for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat.

CHRISTIAN AID – thank you

Thank you for all your prayers and money donations for the work of Christian Aid. Via the envelopes and bucket collection, we raised £450.37. This total does not include gift aid amounts. Should you wish to give online


The June issue of the magazine is now available. Thank you to David Webber for editing. 


See the latest green and eco tips on our Eco Church webpage.

Churchyard Maintenance

If you can spare an hour or two every so often, to help with grass cutting and other jobs around the churchyard, then please let Brad know via the Parish Office.

Caring for God’s Acre has been encouraging all who help to look after churchyards, chapel yards and cemeteries to celebrate for a week in June.

Churches Count on Nature 2024 runs at the same time as Love Your Burial Ground Week, and focuses on the brilliant wildlife to be found in churchyards and chapel yards.

If you want to start counting wildlife now – visit this page to find out how to get going and how to share your records all year round.

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. The theme this year is Let’s swap together for good. Go to and be inspired by others’ swaps!

*Save the Date*

Tue 9th July – 7-9pm at St Peter’s

There will be a showing of the eco-film,
‘The Letter’.


To find out more about the work of our ‘Pastoral team’, click here. If you, or someone else, is in need of any help or support.  You can also speak to the clergy team or a churchwarden on any Sunday!

Need a lift to Church? Please let one of the Churchwardens or a member of clergy know.

Operations Support  Officer at P&J 

Pip & Jim’s are looking for someone to join the team as the Operations Support Officer. 

  • 15 hours a week spread over 5 days to include weekends.  
  • Salary £10,500 

For further information, please go to: 

I am delighted to announce that we have appointed a new Vicar for Pip & Jim’s and St. Stephen’s. Subject to the usual DBS checks, Rev Ruth Edmonds will be licensed by Bishop Robert on Sun 8th Sep at 3pm at Pip & Jim’s. 

Ruth is currently serving in the Lichfield Diocese and will be moving with her husband, James, and 14 month old daughter, Amara, over the summer. Please keep them all in your prayers as they prepare to move to South Cheltenham.  Revd Gary. 

St Peter’s is trying to make the church more environmentally friendly to counteract the effects of climate change.

We are currently working towards a gold award for A Rocha and we need your help.

Please can you click on the link below to complete a short survey: