Welcome to St Peter’s
Being a Christian can be described as making friends with Jesus. This can take a lifetime, but it is more likely to happen when we start in childhood. You can help your child by taking advantage of the help available at St Peter’s.
You will receive a warm welcome and help in making that friendship possible for your child.
May God bless you as you do your best in nurturing your child in the Christian faith.
Children in church
Children are important to the life at St Peter’s, and are warmly welcomed. God put the wiggle in children – don’t feel that you need to suppress it in God’s house! We have a carpeted area with toys, books, drawing and colouring materials, if you would like to use them. Loos and baby changing facilities are across the churchyard in the Cottages.
If you would like to meet with other toddlers and babies during the week, Little Pebbles runs every Tuesday during termtime from 10-11.30am.

Junior Church is for children of all ages (pre-schoolers should bring their adult with them).
- 1st Sunday – Family Service ~ themed service with children’s activities in church.
- 2nd – 4th/5th Sunday ~ Children’s craft/play activities in church.
Junior Church Extra
We meet up on other occasions through the year for an activity and sometimes a shared meal (e.g. Christingle making, posy making).
For more information on Junior Church, please contact the Parish Office.

Older Children and Young People
South Cheltenham Youth runs across the 5 churches in South Cheltenham.
Click here to find out more!