What activity can provide you with:-
- A life-long learning experience
- Maintaining a traditional skill
- A service to the church
- A team activity
- A stimulating mental activity
- A group of friends country-wide.
St. Peter’s has a fine ring of 8 bells, with the tenor (the heaviest bell) weighing 9cwt.
The existing band are very friendly and we warmly welcome new ringers. We practise on Monday evenings and ring prior to the 10:00am Sunday morning service. Bell ringing is a wonderful hobby that exercises both mind and body. You can do it at almost any age from about 12 upwards, requiring technique (more than strength), plus a reasonable sense of rhythm.
If you think this is a hobby that might be of interest, please contact Stuart Tomlinson via the parish office, who would be happy to tell you more about bellringing and to give you a tour of the bells.