Stewardship is a way of life in which we recognise that we are stewards of all that God has given us; and that includes our time, our talents, our possessions and our money.
St Peter’s is funded almost entirely through the generosity of its congregation. The provision of services, building & churchyard maintenance, children’s work, outreach and mission cost around £10,000 per month. We commit to paying our full parish share to the Diocese and contribute to the costs of the South Cheltenham Youth Project, while running a balanced budget. Quite simply we cannot function without your support.
Regular giving allows us to plan confidently for the future. The best way to do this is through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS). We currently have 70 members of the congregation giving monthly, quarterly or annually in this way and Gift Aid can be automatically recovered. If you would like an Information & Sign-up Pack there are some at the back of church or available from the Parish Office. If you would like to discuss this please contact the Treasurer, Peter Marlow, through the parish office.
You can enrol in the Parish Giving Scheme by phoning 0333 002 1271 to set up a regular donation. All you need is your bank account details and our parish code LKPT
Equally, St Peter’s could not function without volunteers giving their time to keep the Church running. For example, churchyard maintenance, the choir, bell ringing, flower arranging, serving on the church committees. Have you considered whether you could help? See the website for a list of Church organisations, or contact Rev Gary for more information.