The St. Peter’s ‘Pastoral Team’ was set-up to provide help and support to the church and clergy in the following areas:
- Keeping up to date with those who are ill, absent, or in need.
- Visiting the sick and housebound.
- Taking Home Communion to those unable to get to church in the short or longer term.
- Care Home ministry – leading a communion service (using the reserved sacrament) once/month at The Hamptons, Middleton House and Lilleybrook (formerly The Grange).
- Bereavement visiting.
- Baptism preparation.
- Friday Lunch Club & Afternoon Teas.
The team meets every other month to share updates on all of the above areas and is made up of Rev Gary, Rev Jade, Dereck Freeman, Jennie Hawdon, Penny Williams, Anne Webber, Steve Whittingham and Sally Marlow.
This team has been particularly crucial to St. Peter’s during the past years, meeting regularly and supporting all aspects of church life.
But, ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ so it’s important that everyone at St. Peter’s takes responsibility for letting one of the team know if you, or someone else, is in need of any help or support. You can of course speak to a member of the clergy or a churchwarden on any Sunday!