Our Mission

Leckhampton Parish Church

Our Statement of Vision

St Peter’s Church Leckhampton exists to love and worship God, to serve our neighbours and to pass on the faith in Jesus Christ

To help them grow more like Him

And then to give to the world what God has given to each of us  

We are a church where all are welcome and where:

God is worshipped in Jesus Christ.

Prayer is at the heart of all we do.

We are all learning about our faith.

We are actively concerned about our community and the wider world.

As a growing Christian community we are a sign of hope to others.

We can accomplish nothing without the help of God’s Spirit.

We believe that small things done with great love will change the world

The Parish Prayer

We pray together for the Parish of St Peter’s

Loving God

Open our eyes that we might see you.

Open our ears that we might hear you.

Open our hearts and minds that we

Might respond to you and bring others to know you.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ

Our Lord who lights our way.
