The Leckhampton Local History Society’s Family History pages have details of Tombstone Inscriptions and the 1914-2006 Burial Registers for the Churchyard.
The links below are designed to help you to establish whether an ancestor was buried at Leckhampton, and if so to locate the grave. In a number of cases you can also see a transcript of the tombstone inscription. There are photographs of some of the tombstones in the graveyard. Please note that not all the information is complete, and you may have to try more than one way of getting an answer.
The churchyard is subdivided into lettered blocks, and each plot within the block is numbered, eg ‘N.123’. Block X, the ‘Garden of Remembrance’, is not marked but is incorporated within Block K, close to the church.

Block Diagrams A1, A2, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K, l, M1, M2, N
How to find an ancestor’s grave
We suggest the following approach.
a. If you think it likely that your ancestor’s tombstone inscription has been recorded, go straight to Tombstone Inscriptions and search for the surname. The plot number will appear at the beginning of the entry. Then return to this page and click on the appropriate block letter. This will bring up a copy of the plan for that block, showing the position of each numbered plot, which you should then be able to find if you visit the graveyard.
(These transcriptions were made by members of the Gloucestershire Family History Society and the Leckhampton Local History Society. Please pass any comments, additions or corrections to Leckhampton Local History Society.)
b. If the above draws a blank, and your ancestor’s death was comparatively recent, go to List of Burials 1914 – 2006. (These transcriptions were made by Roger Richards.) The majority show a plot number, which you can look for on a plan, as described above.
c. If your ancestor was buried before 1812, the name should appear in the Burial Registers 1601-1812.
Burial Registers 1601-1812 ordered by Date, Burial Registers 1601-1812 ordered by Name
That will at least confirm the fact of burial and give a date, plus occasionally some extra detail. It does not normally give a plot number, though in due course it may be possible to include this, if known.
At present there are no details taken from the baptism or marriage registers. However, the family history website includes transcripts of marriage registers for Leckhampton between 1837 and 2005.